200386929805749 La Filiera dell'Olio | Masseria Stali | Agriturismo nel Salento
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Our Lands

Extra-virgin olive oil is a precious gift from Nature, one of the purest and simplest.

This is why we call our Natura olive oil. It is produced in a short chain, that is to say entirely in our farm (harvesting, processing, storage, bottling, marketing) with minimal human intervention, it comes from fresh and healthy olives grown according to the organic method and processed on the day of harvesting.

The result is a pure, genuine and fruity taste. A mix given by the sun, the land and the traditions, characteristic of the varieties of native olives of the famous area of Puglia, the Salento.



Natura extra-virgin olive oil comes from the rustic varieties Ogliarola Salentina and Cellina di Nardò, originating in the Salento area and has the unique characteristic flavors of this area.

The olives are harvested at an optimal stage of maturation to ensure the fresh and fruity taste and the highest concentration of polyphenols and tocopherols, natural antioxidants that make extra virgin olive oil one of the healthiest and most natural foods in the human diet.

The fruit is harvested according to the variety and processed separately and then mixed or bottled as an oil of a single variety.


Oil extraction

Natura extra-virgin olive oil is produced entirely on site by our latest extraction plant technology and respecting hygienic conditions. Managed by highly qualified personnel, our oil is produced every day during the harvest and stored immediately in sealed stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature. Every effort is made to protect the olives from the harmful effects of heat and air during the extraction and storage process.



Produced exclusively from olives leccine, celline and ogliarole of Salento, from BIOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE.
The taste of Natura extra-virgin olive oil is the fresh and genuine expression of the characteristic varieties of Salento with its typical southern Mediterranean climate and its rich red soil.

The aroma says it all - herbaceous, slightly floral underlined by rich fruity notes of freshly picked, light flavor of ripe olives.
The taste is an excellent balance of different vegetables such as artichoke, green tomato and dried legumes, with a pleasantly persistent bitter and spicy sensation in the throat - both signs of olive oil quality.

Legal site: Via Cesare Battisti n° 84 73100 Lecce-Italia
Operativ site: Via Vicinale Cisterna Vecchia, 8 - 73010 Caprarica di Lecce (LE)

info@masseriastali.it   349.7439463

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